Post-Christmas Gifts Reviews Vriendjes, you that goes like this: You have verballert all your great gift ideas for Christmas and already have the birthdays begin again ...? CD and a good book is natuurlijk always nice, but sometimes it is supposed to turned out to be great. I always like looking at
Popgadget to because I always find something - have to hand it to come mostly from the USA or even Japan, but those are our loved ones are so worth it!
today but a couple of oddities from the world of shopping madness:
No. 1 - Baby Hands Soap
Even though I've always been fascinated by little baby hands am, if I may marvel at friends who recently thrown offspring, these Soaps yet close to perverse - because I get the same serial killer and all kinds of thrillers with baby killers in the same sense ... brrrrr! And if, after washing 200 times then only one is left thumbs ... But perhaps a beautiful gift for new mothers who know such dark thoughts because the mommy hormones!
to buy here. 2:
skull cake pans
I think that's a great idea for the event that unpopular invite relatives to serve coffee or if you otherwise unpopular person must: Delicious cakes skull!
to buy here. No.3:
Freud lollipops
Ok, except that it is an unusual gift for the little purse, I know not quite sure who it should be fun, herumzulutschen of Sigmund Freud. But we yes all have a couple of psychos in our circle of friends right? reminds me a story: a "friend" who wanted to relax my former sweetheart, I chatted to the disco (ausgerechnet!) full of her psychoanalysis, which came out that she wanted to kill her mother (something is really great while all the other rock out to Mia's Hungry Heart ...)... after 20 minutes of information that did not know I came to the conclusion: "Man, you know, that you remind me of my mother?" . and that is what the moment would have been where I'd like her to Freud lollipops pushed into the mouth!
So there is a use for any crap!
to buy here. Song of the Day: Gladys Night: License to Kill
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